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Renewable Water powered by Renewable Energy
Each year coNEXA produces 10,000,000,000 litres of recycled water (ie renewable water) for industrial, agricultural and residential use. We are pleased to advise that from

Kooragang Water celebrates 10 years and 20GL Kooragang Island is an industrial hub in the Lower Hunter, which supports a range of manufacturing and port activities. Following the Millenium Drought in

FEED studies underway for PoN’s Clean Energy Precinct
coNEXA is proud to announce a significant milestone in our continued support of the Port of Newcastle’s Clean Energy Precinct (CEP). We have been selected

Water Security Celebrated in McLaren Vale – 25 Years and 100GL Today, the scheme delivers up to 7 gigalitres (GL)/year of recycled water sourced from SA Water’s Aldinga and Christies Beach wastewater treatment plants to